Wages Sheets and Allowances

CFMEU Members enjoy higher wages and better conditions because they are part of an organisation that gives us collective power when negotiating with employers.

The union protects and improves Members' wages and conditions. Our successful bargaining campaigns continue to deliver fair wages and better conditions like superannuation, site allowances, redundancy pay and income protection. In the year 2000 this branch of the CFMEU won the 36 hour week, giving workers 26 paid days off a year.

Correct EBA wage rates are available in the CFMEU wage sheets.



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2025 Interim Allowance Rates



Industry Specific Wage Information

Rigger / Steel Erector

Traffic Control

Contract Scaffold


Mast Climbing


Mobile Crane

Concrete Sawing and Drilling

Off-site Joinery and Building Products

General Award