This is a crisis. The really alarming numbers of Silicosis and other lung disease cases are coming from those who cut engineered stone, but of course Silica dust comes from concrete and other products too.
Despite the high risk work and failures to provide a safe workplace, John Holland choose to dodge WorkSafe by claiming they only have to answer to ComCare - basically trying to make themselves self-regulated.
Support for anyone who is feeling down or needs someone to talk to should be as easy to find on a construction site as a first aid kit - that's the aim of Incolink's new 'Bue Hats' program launched this week.
John Holland producing another long list of safety fails at Metro Tunnel sites. A big project paid for by Victorian taxpayers, but every corner cut on safety is dollars for their Chinese Government owners.
Chadstone has a dirty secret hiding behind the hoarding where shops are being fitted out... Silica dust, MDF dust (containing Formaldehyde) and unsafe working conditions. It's not just workers at risk... is that more than you shopped for?
Australian Unions will make a submission to the Human Rights Commission sexual harassment inquiry on behalf of all working people, and we need to hear from you and your workmates so that we can include as many real life experiences as possible.
John Holland knew their West Gate Bridge maintenance site was likely contaminated with asbestos for 2 weeks, but they kept people working. Only when the CFMEU intervened did John Holland send workers home, they hadn't even notified WorkSafe!