In this issue: End Corporate Greed - A Perfect Storm for Apprentices - Photo Competition Winners - We Built This Hoodie - Wind Power Jobs - Creating a Super Union - Bunjil Place - Onsite Photos - Wage Theft - Family Cars Reviewed - West Gate Memorial - National Conference - Asbestos Fight Continu
Your Building Unions Picnic has a new venue in 2017 - the Melbourne Showgrounds! That means new options for how you and your family can get there to enjoy a great day out.
Multinational mining giant Glencore has received a stunning rebuke after the Fair Work Commission ordered the company to cease surveillance of Oaky North mine workers when they were in the town and at their homes.
On Tuesday, the Australian Federal Police, under the direction of the newly established Registered Organisations Commission (ROC), raided the offices of the Australian Workers Union in both Sydney and Melbourne.