CFMEU Member Benefits

Empower yourself, secure your future and join us

Proud to deliver our members the best safety standards, fair wages, conditions and insurances.

Union members earn at least 20% more than non-union members on average.

With a strong history of fighting to win, we will always fight for what is right, to protect you at work and secure your future.



The best EBA in construction             Led by an executive team who all have a rich history of working on sites. They are union people, not ALP hacks or politicians.


Site allowances
The 36-hour week
Worlds best safety practices
Sham contracting provisions
Mandatory separate amenities for women
Workers’ compensation
Industrial and legal representation
Travel allowances
Higher rates of pay
Redundancy payments
Progressive Indigenous clauses
Family violence leave
Paid parental leave
Family picnic day
Paid annual leave, long service leave, sick leave  

Led by an executive team who all have a rich history of working on sites.

They are union people, not ALP hacks or politicians. 





It is our duty to serve our members and respect the work you do.  

Our union has been under constant attack, but we have managed to move forward and campaign against repressive regimes and laws. We will not stop fighting to make sure the next generation, and the next continue to inherit a better future.

Always remember this is your union, in fact, you are the union. Every member has a voice!

Join us today!